Summer 2012 - The New Face of 'Clacton Chess News'
The news section was previously about providing a summary of all events that have involved members of the club.
It covered the activities of both main leagues, local championships and club tournaments, and occasional social items.
In recent years the calendar on the NECL club page at has become more comprehensive.
It now combines both leagues and other events making it easier to follow links there, than to read a summary here.
A few Clacton players suggested we start a blogsite for our members so they can provide their own News.
This idea was supported in the end-of-season meeting held in June 2012 (but with no volunteers to do this no commitment was made).
During the summer the webmaster found time to provide this with sections for all NECL clubs so it could become a forum that all could share.
You will now find 'forum' buttons at the top of all NECL or ClactonChess windows.
The new content has articles on local chess; comments/discussions; newsfeeds from TWIC, FIDE (+ wherever else members request) etc.
Readers can now follow the latest chess news/results of all leagues from club calendars and from the new NECL forum facility.
We look to our members to be involved by contributing content and especially to our blog advocates to lead the way on this!
This Clacton news page will therefore no longer be active, apart from providing a link (below) to historic news.
MS, Sept 2012.
Update: Danny Hardman later launched the club into social media. See his facebook content here.