The annual 8 round Swiss competition will run from 6th to 27th June 2017.
Two Rapid play games per night through June with a time control of 40mins per player.
A maximum of 2 half point byes may be awarded to absent players.
A full point bye will be given to non-paired players and count as a played game.
If leaders are tied, a winner will be decided by the results of direct encounters.
If that does not provide a winner the trophy will be shared.
From this season, results from the shield no longer count towards the club ladder.
The outright winner will be awarded the Peter Keffler Shield and be “Club Champion”.
An Improver shield will be awarded for the best player performance relative to grade.
Players need 6 played games to qualify. No player can win both trophies.
Follow progress here.
Category Archives: General
2017 Local Events
- Saturday 28th & Sunday 29th October 2017 – 35th. Bury St Edmunds Chess Congress at The Apex, Charter Square, Bury St Edmunds, IP33 3BA
Format: Five-round Swiss. Four sections – Open, Major (u170), Intermediate (u145) and Minor (u120).
An ECF Grand Prix and an East Anglian Grand Prix event.
See website for more details and entry.
- Sunday 16th July 2017 – Essex Chess Association Rapid Play
at Scout H.Q., Paradise Road, Writtle, CM1 3HW
A 6 rounds Swiss Tournament with 3 sections – Open, under 150, under 95
20 minutes on each clock, plus 10 seconds per move
Click here for details and entry form.
- Saturday 3rd & Sunday 4th June 2017 – EACU CHESS CONGRESS
at The Turner Hall, Church Lane, Newmarket, CB8 0HL
A Five-Round Swiss Tournament with 3 sections
Open, Under-170 and Under-130
Click here for details and entry form.
- Friday 14th to Monday 17th April 2017 – Southend Easter Congress
at Southend Adult Community College, Ambleside Drive, Southend, SS1 2UN
7 rounds, 90 minutes per player per game PLUS 30 seconds per move
5 sections, Open, under 170, under 145, under 120 and under 95
Click here for details and entry form.
Match Rules – draft proposals
Below is a summary of draft content being proposed for consideration at AGM/LCM.
Refinements may appear here on an ongoing basis, but clubs need to submit basic proposals by 1st. July (rule 27). Please consider these and offer any comments or suggested rewording to details that would be required to make these acceptable to your club. Indicating support or identifying objections/issues may help shorten/ease later discussions when raised at AGM/LCM.
1/7/2016: rules 3,11,13,15,16 & 22 submitted by Billericay/Clacton/Colchester/Writtle.
7/7/2016: AGM confirmed for 19:45 on 27th July 2016 in Witham Library.
Aug/2016: amendments from feedback text in red requires deeper discussion
Sep/2016: New League and Knockout rules published.
draft rule 3:
Match play in League Competitions shall take place between 1 October, or earlier if 22(g) applies, and 31st May in each season.
[ v “as soon as clubs have completed player registrations and are ready to play their agreed pairings. Matches will be completed by” ?]
Rule 11
Nathan Barnes/Colchester suggests we dispense with tossing for colours,
draft rule 11:
Matches in all Divisions shall be played over four boards. The away team shall play white on the odd-numbered boards and the black pieces on the even-numbered boards.
Add requirement/courtesy to notify opponents about known defaults.
draft rule 13:
A reserve player may be introduced at any time up to 8.15 p.m. If a player is not available at or before 8.15 p.m., the board is defaulted. No player can play more than one game on the same occasion. If a captain has a known default, this must be notified to the opposing captain as soon as possible to avoid unnecessary travel.
Rule 15
Writtle are proposing alternative time controls with a Fischer timing.
draft rule 15:
All matches will be played to a finish. The rate of play will be 30 moves in 75 minutes and then the clocks will be set back 15 minutes and the game completed in the remaining time. Alternatively, subject to mutual agreement and availability of digital clocks, Fischer timing at a rate of all moves in 80 minutes with 10 seconds increment per move from the start. All four boards in a match will be required to use the same rate of play.
Confirm the expected method to submit and confirm a result.
Match results shall, not later than five days after play is completed, be submitted on-line by one team and confirmed on-line by the other team. Teams with no web access may inform the event Secretary by other means.
Note, this also drops mention of the levy of £1 for each result not submitted on time as It has never been applied, though an AGM reminder may be appropriate. Process reminder; where only one side has submitted a result this is deemed to stand (by ‘auto-confirming’ on-line on the 6th day – or not before 24hr after a previous submission, to give further opportunity to confirm/change that result). If neither side has submitted a result after 10 days the match is automatically moved from the imminent table to a “non-notified-postponement” table on the latest results page. The number of matches not directly confirmed over the last 5 years averages 17%, which would have been about £30/yr in fines. See now extended to show these counts.
Current Rule 22 has 9 clauses (a) to (i). Prior to changes made in 2013 it ran to more than an A4 page and was then recognised to be in need of further change as it didn’t adequately address data issues or cover today’s processes. The below draft rewrite is offered to address this. It incorporates (f) as proposed by Billericay plus parts of (c), (d), (g) and (h) as proposed by Colchester. (indicated by respective text colouring)
(a) It is a condition of membership that player data (limited to name, club, ECF grading/membership references) and game results may be kept on computer and published. Members may optionally provide an email address so as to be included in NECL distribution lists. Club secretaries will maintain venue and basic contact data on their NECL-club web pages which also form the on-line directory. Officers can alternatively opt for their own contact data to be restricted to a view which is only visible via a login by other officers.
(b) At least 24 hours before the first fixture within a season, each club shall send all fees due to NECL to the treasurer, and send the names of intended players to both the General Secretary and Treasurer. Clubs may optionally overpay to create a credit balance towards any later new registrations.The treasurer will mark payment and registrations on-line and assign a player eligibility date of no later than the day after receipt. This will be visible in the NECL-accounts, registrations and nominations sections of each club.
New player registrations during a season will similarly require at least 24 hours notice before the players first fixture.
(c) Nominations will be formed starting from the top of the grade-ordered list with a number of players equal to one fewer than the number of boards in the club’s ‘A’ team shall be nominated for that team; the number of players next on the list equal to one fewer than the number of players in the club’s ‘B’ team shall be nominated players for that team, and so on. There may also be additional nominated players to the above due to 22h.
Nominations will be revised accordingly if affected by (i) new registrations added during the season or (ii) a performance-based-revision of the estimated grade of a non-graded player. A club changing nomination ordering based on mid-season official grade updates should do so within two weeks of a grading list being published, or can opt to not do so where this affects driver availability. A player shall not be eligible to play in any team below the category of team for which they are nominated.
(d) The maximum number of games a player may play in the League Championship in one season is equal to five in excess of the maximum number of matches scheduled for any team at the start of the season minus the number of matches already completed by his nominated team by the fixture list at the time when his name first appears on his club’s list of players. In this clause the ‘nominated team’ is that team to which a player is nominated by the first list submitted by his club on which his name appears.
Default wins do not contribute to a player’s game count for this purpose.
(f) Teams will play in descending ECF grading order from board one downwards:
Any exceptions to this cannot differ in the official ECF grading by more than 10 grading points or: (i) Where a reserve player is substituted for a listed player who has failed to arrive, the reserve must be of the same or lower-grade than the player originally listed. (ii) Where a higher graded player is listed downwards to occupy a board defaulted by the opposing team.
(g) Pairings from the same club should be played first, which may be before 1st October.
[v “as soon as the club can arrange” ?]
(h) If a nominated player does not play in any matches during a season then if they are nominated again the following season then they must be nominated for the same team as in the previous season and that team must have an additional player nominated.
Many parts will require further discussion and agreement on some details. In particular the question of nominations, discussed at the 2014 AGM where no decision was reached nor minuted (though DM declared July would be assumed unless clubs opt for January). The current status quo seems an unsatisfactory compromise? Clubs have opted to base playing order on either a) January based list; b) July based lists; or c) a list that is neither. This directly affects clauses (c) and (f) and should be revisited for a more definitive answer in anticipation of grading frequency becoming monthly or real-time.
More change comparison notes:-
Aspects not covered by the present rule 22 include reference to
(i) player data and club venues/contacts (into a)
(ii) process has to involve treasurer to ensure visibility of NECL-accounts, registrations and nominations (into b + drop g & i).
[a previously unused registration marking facility was moved from gen-sec to treasurer key with payment facility added when accounts were put on-line. Nominations are now updated on-line by JL when he receives a list from DM. Both keys can edit nominations]
(iii) incorporate present option to adopt mid-season grade updates, or not
(iv) effect of new player additions to nominations (into c, drop d)
(v) performance-based-revision for estimated grades (into c) – though criteria yet to be specified (e.g. performance – estimate > 10 after 5 games ?)
(vi) that max game-count excludes default-wins (into new d)
(vii) incomplete teams default to the lowest boards, (into e) (discussed sometime but not minuted or put into rules?)
22f – Strictness of Board-ordering – Current rule says:-
“Players nominated for a team will be expected to play in their listed order.
However minor alterations in playing order can be made according to current form.”
The extent of alteration is not defined. (deliberately?) though a 10 point grade difference has often been spoken of as the ‘allowed’ margin, as though this was a rule – but can only be a ‘notion’ as it has not been documented in NECL rules, nor in any AGM/LCM minutes (that I know of). Nor is the rule clear that the ‘list’ referred to is of ‘nominees’, or ‘eligible players’ – but has to be the latter if it is to cover non-nominated players.
[Note: our monitoring tool shows (amongst other things) how often teams have played out of order (by grade at the time of a match). For the nominal margin of 10 points, this shows 17 such instances during the current season (edit the url for other margins/seasons)
– but of course the difficulty in checking if some/all of these are ‘allowed’ requires you to refer to the list of nominations active at the time of each match! ]
22h – Example from Nathan: if one of the three players nominated for Colchester A (Player X) does not play all season but Colchester register Player X again the following season then whichever Colchester A must have four nominated players (not three) – one of who must be Player X. Match rule 22d should be modified to be subject to this new clause; match rule 22b should also be subject to this new clause as well as clause d.
Rules 20/24
Subject to approval of the above rule, dropping rule 20 could be considered.
This seems unnecessary, due to ordering covered in new 22f, and refers to impractical penalties that have never used despite many examples.
Also Rule 24 seems unnecessary due to becoming a legal constraint since 2007.
Rule 26
Nathan Barnes/Colchester has raised a query, saying that in the quickplay finish to games NECL rules do not make it clear what procedures are being followed if a player tries to claim a draw in the last two minutes due to not being able to win on normal means / not trying to win by normal means. If this is done does rule G6 apply and if so who is the arbiter? NECL rules should also state if rule G4 applies or not.
This is more of a request for clarification in case this problematic situation arises, so may best be addressed by incorporating an answer into a draft rule 26, such as the following:-
The FIDE Laws of Chess will apply to all games unless superseded by these Rules, unless not practical to do so. e.g. current FIDE rules G4, G5 &G6 (claims made when less than two minutes left on clock) that require a ‘designated arbiter’ will not apply, though both captains may choose to reach agreement, or to raise a dispute under rule 2.
“Except where they are inconsistent with the foregoing, the Laws of Chess as published by the British Chess Federation shall be deemed to form part of these Rules. The FIDE Laws of Chess allow the use of an assistant by a visually handicapped player. The League will also allow the use of an assistant by any player, as and when required.”
Visually disabled players and assistance are already extensively covered in Appendix D.
2016 Peter Keffler Shield Update
This is an 8 round Swiss competition held from 17th May to 14th June (excl. 7th Jun).
Two Rapid play games per night, with a time control of 40mins per player.
A maximum of 4 half point byes may be given to absent players.
A full point bye will be given to non-paired players and count as a played game.
5 played games are needed to qualify.
The outright winner will be awarded the Peter Keffler Shield and be “Club Champion”.
Another shield will be awarded to the best improver, based on performance in excess of grade during the competition. No player can win both trophies.
Competition results will also count towards the club ladder (ends 28th June).
Eight games throughout the season are needed in the ladder to qualify.
The ladder winner is awarded the Bullwinkle trophy board.
Updated 14/06/2016 after round 8
Championship Leader-board (game points with cross table)
Improver Leader-board (performance over grade)
Points | Name | Grade | Perf | Perf-Grade |
6.5 | Robert Stephens | 141 | 160 | 19 |
4.5 | Paul McCarthy | 80 | 99 | 19 |
3.5 | Denis Brown | 75 | 93 | 18 |
3 | Alex O’Brien | 60 | 74 | 14 |
6.5 | Martin Alvin | 135 | 147 | 12 |
3.5 | John Rowe | 65 | 71 | 6 |
2.5 | Haydn Hughes | 45 | 51 | 6 |
6.5 | Andrew Salmon | 145 | 150 | 5 |
4 | Mike Coughtrey | 89 | 93 | 4 |
4 | Warwick Estlea | 96 | 98 | 2 |
4 | Marek Ciorga | 100 | 100 | 0 |
3 | Richard O’Brien | 65 | 65 | 0 |
4.5 | John Lambert | 124 | 120 | -4 |
5 | Melvin Steele | 126 | 120 | -6 |
4 | Nigel Lake | 97 | 91 | -6 |
2.5 | Danny Hardman | 100 | 88 | -12 |
4 | Andrew Todd | 100 | 73 | -27 |
2.5 | Dennis McCarthy | 85 | 55 | -30 |
3 | John White | 90 | 46 | -44 |
2016 Local Events
- Sunday 30th October 2016 – Brentwood Rapidplay at Mount Avenue Banquetting Suite, Mount Avenue, Shenfield, Brentwood, CM13 2NS
Open, U160, U130 and U100 sections. Time Control is 25 mins plus 10 sec incremental time control over 6 rounds. Essex Juniors – free entry.
- Saturday 22th & Sunday 23rd October 2016 – 34rd. Bury St Edmunds Chess
Congress at The Apex, Charter Square, Bury St Edmunds, IP33 3BA
Format: Five-round Swiss. Four sections – Open, Major (u170), Intermediate (u145) and Minor (u120). A qualifying event for the British Championships in 2017.
- Saturday 17th September – Pre 2016-17 Season Tournament
at Bures Community Hall, Bures, Suffolk, CO8 5BX
Swiss system tournament, presented by Braintree Chess Club.
Only the first 100 entries can be accepted.
Prizes for overall performance, gradings and age.
Click here for details and entry form.
- Saturday 9th July 2016 – ESSEX RAPIDPLAY
at Longmeads Community Centre, Writtle, CM1 3LY
A 6 round Swiss with 4 Sections:-
Open, Under-160, Under-125 and Under-90
Incorporates the ECA Rapidplay Championship,
the North Essex Rapidplay Championship
and the Essex Junior Championships
Click here for details and entry form.
- Saturday 4th & Sunday 5th June 2016 – EACU CHESS CONGRESS
at The Turner Hall, Church Lane, Newmarket, CB8 0HL
A Five-Round Swiss Tournament with 3 sections
Open, Under-170 and Under-130
Click here for details and entry form.
Peter Keffler
Many players will be saddened to hear that Peter Keffler passed away on Tuesday 22nd December 2015 at 92 years of age.
The funeral will be held on Monday 18th January, 2016, 2pm at Weeley Crematorium.
For many years Peter was a strong player of Clacton club who also played county chess for Essex, Suffolk and in his earlier days for Somerset.
Following WWII, as RAF aircrew Peter worked as an interpreter, having completed a combined services course in Russian at Cambridge University. He obtained an honours degree in French and Russian at Oxford University and then did a postgraduate year for MA. He took up an academic career teaching languages in the Bath/Somerset area and later moved to the Essex area as Senior lecturer at St Osyth College.
At the peak of his chess playing Peter had good scores against many well known players with many of his games and ideas being quoted in the chess literature of the day. He made contributions to Openings such as the Two Knights Defence that were acknowledged by authoritative writers.
Peter would often combine his chess knowledge and experience to teach chess to juniors and many of us have been grateful for the time he often spent to analyse our games and encourage less experienced players to improve their game. He kept a large stock of chess literature and for many years ran a bookstall at most local and some national tournament events.
In his later years Peter succumbed to ill health and reduced mobility. He also had difficulty adapting to his gradually failing eyesight, but we will best remember him for the many years when he was a formidable opponent who played with great ‘style’.
Other articles about Peter:
Peter Keffler Celebrates 90th birthday
Peter Keffler Celebrates 88th Birthday
Peter Keffler again wins the Club Handicap
Peter Keffler wins the Club Handicap Tournament
Peter Keffler & Jonathan Hills win Club Swiss Quick Play Tournament
Peter Keffler wins newly introduced Club Handicap Tournament to mark 80th birthday
Comments from Colleagues (English Chess Forum)
References and Game samples:-
‘Chess Openings for the Average Player’ – T. D. Harding, Leonard Barden – 1976
Section: How Openings Evolve, p12
Similar content also in ‘Openings for the Club Player’ by same authors, p221.
Leonard Barden also mentions Peter on p235 of Chess Treasury of the Air by Terence Tiller, published by Penguin Books in 1966, in an article about his favourite game against American master Weaver Adams.
‘The Two Knights Defence’ I︠A︡kov Ėstrin Anova Books, 1983
Aitkin v Keffler · 0-1
Edinburgh 1954
Peter (black) arrived at this position where he saw he had a 4 move mate.
Would you spot this against the clock in a real game?
also quoted at
and published in ‘Build Up Your Chess with Artur Yusupov 2’ p9
Peter Keffler v Ernst Kotzem · 1-0
corres ICCF (1969) · Scotch Game: Göring Gambit. Bardeleben Variation (C44)
1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. d4 ed4 4. c3 dc3 5. Nc3 Bb4 6. Bc4 Nf6 7. O-O Bc3 8. bc3 d6 9. e5 de5 10. Qb3 O-O 11. Rd1 Bd7 12. Ba3 Na5 13. Qb4 Nc4 14. Qc4 Re8 15. Ng5 Qc8 16. Qf7 Kh8 17. Be7 Ng8 18. Bf8
Gerhard Niemand v Peter Keffler 1970
Italian Game: Two Knights Defense. Traxler Counterattack Bishop sac line (C57) · 0-1
1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bc4 Nf6 4. Ng5 Bc5 5. Bf7 Ke7 6. Bb3 Rf8 7. O-O d6 8. Nc3 Qe8 9. Nd5 Kd8 10. Nf6 gf6 11. Nh7 Rh8 12. Nf6 Qg6 13. Nd5 Bg4 14. Qe1 Bf3 15. g3 Qxg3
Keffler P v Kocem E · 1-0
World Tournament (corr.), 1972
Opening: Scotch Game: Goering Gambit, Main Line (C44)
1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. d4 exd4 4. c3 dxc3 5. Nxc3 Bb4 6. Bc4 Bxc3+ 7. bxc3 d6 8. O-O Nf6 9. e5 dxe5 10. Qb3 O-O 11. Rd1 Bd7 12. Ba3 Na5 13. Qb4 Nxc4 14. Qxc4 Re8 15. Ng5 Qc8 16. Qxf7+ Kh8 17. Be7 Ng8 18. Bf8 Rxf8 19. Rxd7
‘The Spectator’ 1979, Vol 242, p63
Peter Keffler v Tim Lunn · 1-0
Ipswich A v Clacton A, Suffolk League Match, 15.12.2003
1.d4 Nf6 2.Nf3 d5 3.e3 e6 4.Bd3 c5 5.b3 Nc6 6.Bb2 Bd6 7.0-0 0-0 8.Nbd2 Qc7 9.c4 cxd4 10.exd4 Re8 11.c5 Bf8 12.Re1 b6 13.cxb6 Qxb6 14.Rc1 Ba6 15.Bb1 Rec8 16.a3 Rab8 17.Re3 Ng4? 18.Bxh7+ Kxh7 19.Ng5+ Kg8 20.Qxg4 g6 21.Qh4 Bg7 22.Qh7+ Kf8 23.Nxe6+ fxe6 24.Rf3+ Ke7 25.Qxg7+ Kd6 26.Rf7 Rb7 27.Qe5+ Nxe5 28.dxe5#
2015 Peter Keffler Shield Update
Updated 16/06/2015
This season’s 9 round Swiss is being held from 19th May to 16th June.
As last season, this is no longer handicapped and the award of the shield will again be based on performance in excess of grade. Time controls are 40 minutes per player.
A ½ point bye may be given to absent players, to a maximum of 5.
A full point bye will be given to non-paired players and count as a played game.
5 played games are needed to qualify.
Game points after round 9
# | Name | Points | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
1 | Andrew Salmon | 7.0 | +B6 | -W4 | +B2 | =W7 | +B3 | =W5 | +B9 | +W8 | +W10 |
2 | Warwick Estlea | 7.0 | -B3 | +W11 | -W1 | +B18 | +W12 | +B7 | +B4 | +W5 | +W6 |
3 | Martin Alvin | 7.0 | +W2 | =B10 | =W5 | +B12 | -W1 | +W4 | +B6 | +B20 | +W7 |
4 | Melvin Steele | 6.0 | +W8 | +B1 | +W12 | +B5 | +W7 | -B3 | -W2 | -B6 | +W18 |
5 | John Lambert | 5.5 | +B18 | +W8 | =B3 | -W4 | =B10 | =B1 | +W7 | -B2 | +BYE |
6 | Mike Coughtrey | 5.0 | -W1 | =W7 | =B9 | +B11 | +W8 | +B10 | -W3 | +W4 | -B2 |
7 | Nigel Lake | 4.0 | +W9 | =B6 | +W10 | =B1 | -B4 | -W2 | -B5 | +W12 | -B3 |
8 | Denis Brown | 4.0 | -B4 | -B5 | +W18 | +W9 | -B6 | +W12 | =BYE | -B1 | =BYE |
9 | Richard O’Brien | 4.0 | -B7 | =BYE | =W6 | -B8 | +W18 | =BYE | -W1 | =BYE | +B12 |
10 | Andrew Todd | 3.5 | +B11 | =W3 | -B7 | =BYE | =W5 | -W6 | =BYE | =BYE | -B1 |
11 | John Rowe | 3.0 | -W10 | -B2 | +BYE | -W6 | =BYE | =BYE | =BYE | =BYE | — |
12 | Haydn Hughes | 3.0 | +BYE | +W18 | -B4 | -W3 | -B2 | -B8 | +W20 | -B7 | -W9 |
18 | Alex O’Brien | 2.0 | -W5 | -B12 | -B8 | -W2 | -B9 | =BYE | +W19 | =BYE | -B4 |
19 | Kassey Spendlove | 1.5 | — | — | — | — | — | — | -B18 | +BYE | =BYE |
20 | Ryan Spendlove | 0.5 | — | — | — | — | — | — | -B12 | -W3 | =BYE |
Standings ordered by ‘performance minus grade’ after round 9
# | Points | Name | Grade | Perf | Perf – Grade |
2 | 7.0 | Warwick Estlea | 80 | 122 | 42 |
9 | 4.0 | Richard O’Brien | 50 | 67 | 17 |
6 | 5.0 | Mike Coughtrey | 92 | 101 | 9 |
8 | 4.0 | Denis Brown | 68 | 76 | 8 |
3 | 7.0 | Martin Alvin | 132 | 135 | 3 |
12 | 3.0 | Haydn Hughes | 45 | 47 | 2 |
4 | 6.0 | Melvin Steele | 118 | 118 | 0 |
7 | 4.0 | Nigel Lake | 99 | 95 | -4 |
5 | 5.5 | John Lambert | 119 | 113 | -6 |
1 | 7.0 | Andrew Salmon | 152 | 143 | -9 |
19 | 1.5 | Kassey Spendlove | 30 | 20 | -10 |
10 | 3.5 | Andrew Todd | 111 | 94 | -17 |
11 | 3.0 | John Rowe | 65 | 42 | -23 |
20 | 0.5 | Ryan Spendlove | 50 | 18 | -32 |
18 | 2.0 | Alex O’Brien | 70 | 35 | -35 |
2015 Local Events
- Saturday 24th & Sunday 25th October 2015 – 33rd. Bury St Edmunds Chess Congress at The Apex, Charter Square, Bury St Edmunds, IP33 3BA
Format: Five-round Swiss. Four sections – Open, Major (u170), Intermediate (u145) and Minor (u120). A qualifying event for the British Championships in 2016.
Entry Form: Here Website:
- Saturday 11th July 2015 – ESSEX RAPIDPLAY
at Longmeads Community Centre, Writtle, CM1 3LY
3 Sections:-
Open, Under-150 and Under-120
Incorporates the Essex Rapidplay Championship,
the North Essex Rapidplay Championship
and the Essex Junior Championships (all decided by results in the Open).
Register in advance, pay on the day.
Click here for further details and entry form.
- Saturday 30th & Sunday 31st May 2015 – EACU CHESS CONGRESS
at The Turner Hall, Church Lane, Newmarket, CB8 0HL
A Five-Round Swiss Tournament with 3 sections
Open, Under-170 and Under-130
Click here for details and entry form.