Anyone for Chess ?

Do you like playing chess but don't know many other players?
Would you like a more sociable opponent than your PC?
Challenge local players?    Enter local and club tournaments?

Clacton Chess invites players of all ages and abilities to come practice the game.
Children under 14 should be accompanied by a parent or supervising adult.
Beginner or advanced, you will get games with players of similar standard.
Skilled players may join Clacton teams in the North Essex and Suffolk Leagues.
For serious practice, or to play for fun - just come along!

Where? - Holland Public Hall, Frinton Road
(see directions/map for details)

When? - Clubnights are Tuesdays from 7:30pm
Club closes mid-July through August

How Much? - subs are £2.50 per night.
First Night is FREE, so check us out!

Tuesday 9th. July 2024 is the last meeting before summer closure.
Club re-opens for a new season on Tuesday 3rd. September 2024.

Recent achievements:-
Andrew Salmon won the 2024 Club Shield
Reuben Marden won the 2024 Club Grading Award
Clacton won the SCCA 2024 Div 3 Rapid play KO
Melvin Steele won the 2024 Bullwinkle Ladder

Club Summary, Fixtures/Results, Players